Kurma Nadham ?

Kurma Nadham ?

Confirmed artist

My works have their source in my search for the truth. Questions about existence, survival, life and death, the creator and the destroyer, the universe and its mysteries are the subjects for introspection. The very nature of what is real and what is not, where do we come from and where do we finally go, the relationship between subject and object form the essence of my works. I believe all human beings have an energy that is individual to them and all objects around us also have a special energy of their own. In fact the object exists in the perception of the subject itself. This wonderful dynamic called energy is what is at the core of all my creations and the play of energy between my thoughts and myself, the medium I choose to work with and my feelings, culminates in the final work. My introspection is the churning that processes my thoughts and my hand moves to draw and sculpt these very thoughts. To me every work has a lifecycle of its own and my continuation of works upon works is probably reflective of rebirth. I searching answers for my questions about what is real and what is not, where do we come from and where do we go, existence, survival, poverty, life and death, the creator and the destroyer, the universe and its mysteries are the subjects. I believe all creatures have an energy that is individual to them, my introspection is the churning that processes my thoughts and my hand moves to draw.